yesterday I took new rindo pics but they wasn't thaat good xD
I have one two selfies that looks good but that's it xD
For that "shooting" I used that "studio" xD
Usually I have more space but I was lazy xD
aww I can only upload up to 500 MB here, so I'll gonna delete my "gallery" here >-<
But you can see all pics on my fb FatPillow !
And few on my instagram ofc :3
Oh and that's how my place looked like after I was finished xD
A really big mess xD
And my bf and I are going to change the room a bit so that I can have my own photo area :3
Also I was thinking about buying a big beauty case for my cosplay stuff and make up, it's really expensive around 56€, but it's also really big xD
But today my bf's mum gave me 3 big boxes for my stuff :3
So for now I don't need to buy the beauty case xD
But maybe later xD
This is the box where my stuff was until yesterday :>
Now my stuff is in those boxes :3
And this is my whole make up stuff xD
Everything I use for my cosplay make up xD
And I was thinking about buying two new hoodies or one new cosplay and since it's summer now I won't need hoodies xD
That means probably cosplay stuff *-----------*
And obviously it's gonna be a chara from bleach xD
I have only around 100 chapters left I think qwq