I created a worldcosplay acc again xD
I used to had an acc there with my old acc "gengax/dgengax" but after deleting this acc and create my new fat__pillow I didn't use it anymore.
So I decided to create an acc on all social medias I know to be get more popularity :>
This is my step 1 for my cosplay career 🌚
I hope more feature pages will repost my pics >-< 🍀
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Yesterday I went out with my boyfriend and we sat at a big fire :3
I took my beloved plushi with me 😍 🌚
It's a patamon :>
As you see it's very old xD
This christmas it turns 18 :3
I'll celebrate this xD who cares about christmas xD
My plushi turns 18 is more important xD
Probably the most people would say that my patamon looks kind of creepy, but I don't care xD
In my eyes it's fucking cute *---*
I saw that my popstar ahri does not get that many likes like cinematic ahri or xayah :o
Is it cause my Popstar Ahri isn't that good as the other two? qwq
Shall I sell her and try other cosplays? >-<